Originally from Trenton, New Jersey, Imani currently resides in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, since 1996. She has been passionately committed to the personal empowerment of individuals and communities for nearly 3 decades.
As both an artist and healer, Imani combines creativity and psychology as a vehicle for healing and self-mastery. Over the years, she has helped countless individuals recover from trauma, and transform pain into purpose.
She holds a BA in psychology, a MA in counseling psychology, and post graduate work in counseling psychology. In addition, she is certified in the following healing modalities:
- Certified Mindfulness Coach
- Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Certified Master Life Coach
- Certified Happiness Coach


We all have a “WHY” for what we do. I have many, but the one that anchors me to an unwavering passion for moving people beyond the pain started in my youth.
After being rolled through the emergency room for my second suicide attempt, at only age 14:
- I realized that I didn’t really want to die
- I just didn’t want to live in the emotional pain anymore
- I counted ceiling tiles as they rushed me through the hospital emergency room.
- I counted tiles to remind my soul that I was still alive.
- I…2…3…I am still here. 4…5…6…I am still here. 7…8…If I am still here by 10 then I want to live! I survived that day and many more pains. However, I survived. Now, I am thriving.
I started Empowered Squared, Inc. to serve as a vehicle for personal development and life enrichment for those just like me….survivors who want to thrive. I developed a signature coaching system that helps others find the passion for life that makes them feel whole, The Barrier Breaker System ™.
The Barrier Breaker System empowers individuals to seek, find and embrace their authentic self, as the foundation for happiness. It is rooted in 4 core principles: 1-Relentless self-exploration, 2-Radical self-acceptance, 3-Unwavering self-compassion, 4-Intentional self-care. We offer 1-to-1 coaching, e-courses, and live events and workshops.